gradually increase weight in a specific exercise until reaching the maximum you can lift with proper form.
Ensure you're well-rested and didn't have a challenging training session the previous day for accurate testing.
Goal of 1RM Test: Validate the heaviest weight possible between 3 to 6 repetitions in less than 6 rounds. If you do more than 6 repetitions, it's too light; you have to add more weight for the next round. The last repetition has to be very difficult to perform.
Warm-up: Engage in light activity and dynamic stretching to prepare your body, finding the balance between being adequately warmed up and still fresh for maximal strength during testing.
Choose the exercise: Select the specific exercise to test, typically compound movements like bench press, rowing, and squat/deadlift.
1st round: Start with a comfortable weight for 8-10 reps. Rest for 1'30'' minute.
2nd round: Increase weight and aim for 6-8 reps. Rest for 2' minutes.
Maximal attempts rounds: The goal is to find your maximum weight within 3 rounds. Rest for 3-5 minutes between each round, and note all your attempts on the table provided.
Final attempt: Rest and perform your best lift with proper form, noting the heaviest weight lifted properly and the number of repetitions, with the closest value to 3 providing more accurate strength calculations using formulas.
I recommend checking out the HIT Coach app. It might provide a more engaging experience for your testing process.
Here's a handy table to record your attempts:
For safety, always have a spotter or coach present.
Bibliographic references :
Grgic J, Lazinica B, Schoenfeld BJ, Pedisic Z.Test-Retest Reliability of the One-Repetition Maximum (1RM) Strength Assessment:a Systematic Review. Sports Med Open. 2020 Jul 17